Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fuck the Fucking Flu

I've never gotten a flu shot. I don't know why, it's not some personal vendetta I have with the pharmaceutical companies. I don't believe that flu shots are meant to send us into a shopping frenzy right before Christmas. I just never bothered to get one. I've always had a pretty good immune system and I don't like taking drugs when they're unnecessary. But right about now, I really wish I'd just sucked it up, dropped trow, and let em stick that needle right in my ass. But no, I had to sit on my high fucking horse this winter, even though my company gives flu shots to all it's employees completely free. 

So I've got the flu, I haven't had a cigarette in 3 days, I haven't gotten laid in over a month, and this nicotine patch has been giving me some really fucking weird dreams (a few nights ago I was a dog trapped in a closet wearing ski goggles and I couldn't breathe) so I haven't been sleeping well either. Basically I'm in a shitty fucking mood. All I want to do today is go home, jerk off, enjoy a comforting and delicious Marlboro Medium and goto bed. But no, I'm at work, cranky, with the flu. And I just sat through a 3 hour training program that taught me all about the sexual harassment laws in the state of California. That would not be that big a problem if it weren't for the simple fact that I both live and work in NEW YORK! 

Take this post as a warning, if you see me today, don't start shit. Just smile, nod and keep fucking moving. I probably won't yell because my throat feels like I just finished off a carton of my beloved Marlboros, but I'm just itching to punch someone in the taint. 


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